As you age, skin displays the effects of years of sun exposure and the slow of elastin and collagen production. This creates sagging skin and hollowness that can impact the look of the face and body. This can accentuate the appearance of lines, wrinkles, and skin laxity.

Sculptra is a non-surgical solution for facial hollowness; this poly-L-lactic acid filler revamps your skin while regenerating collagen in the tissue. We use Sculptra to enhance facial features and restore volume. It can also be used to rejuvenate skin of the body.

At Renaissance Dermatology & Aesthetics, Dr. Harrington, our expert injector, uses Sculptra for patients looking for a next-level filler that produces long-term results.

Treatment Details

Consultation Required Icon

Consultation Required?


Downtime Icon


Little to none

Results Duration Icon

Sessions Needed:

3 to 4

Results Icon

Results Duration:

Up to 2 years or longer

What it Treats

  • Facial Volume Loss

  • Facial Hollowness

  • Skin laxity of face and body

Why Try Sculptra in Zachary?

Long-Term Benefits

The most unique aspect of Sculptra is its ability to regenerate collagen in your skin while it does its primary job as a stimulatory filler. Your skin will produce more natural collagen after Sculptra for lasting benefits.

Rejuvenating Results

The results from Sculptra help skin appear more plump and youthful for a rejuvenated overall appearance.

Non-Surgical Solution

For those wanting to rewind the clock without surgery, Sculptra is a great alternative. Some refer to it as a non-surgical lift for the face and body.

Before & After

Sculptra - Before and After

Case 1

Sculptra before and after full face rejuvenation

Case 2

Sculptra - Before and After

Case 3

Sculptra - Before and After

Case 4

Before and After Sculptra Treatment

WHAT TO EXPECT The Sculptra Process



Before any Sculptra appointment, we always start with an in-depth consultation to assess your needs and talk through your desired results. After determining that Sculptra is the best filler for your needs, we’ll create a custom treatment plan according to your goals. This consultation is thorough to ensure the best results possible.


Sculptra Injections

For the treatment itself, we will prep your skin and mark where the injections will go. Dr. Harrington will inject a predetermined amount of Sculptra filler into the areas while keeping you relaxed and comfortable. We work to make this process as quick as possible with minimal pain.


Next Steps

You will have immediate results from Sculptra, but there may be some swelling or bruising that will subside over the next several days. We’ll go over aftercare details with you to help you achieve the best results with at-home care and schedule your next session in your series.

PRE-TREATMENT Pre-Care Instructions

Prior to Your Sculptra Treatment in Zachary, Renaissance Dermatology & Aesthetics Recommends:


Avoid These Medications

Avoid all blood-thinning medications and supplements for at least a week before your appointment. This includes aspirin, ibuprofen, Aleve, garlic supplements, Vitamin E, St. John’s Wort, and omega-3 or fish oil capsules. As always, if you are taking any of these medications under the direction of a doctor, speak to them before discontinuing use.

Inform Us

Inform us if you have a history of cold sores or fever blisters before your appointment.

Avoid These Products

Stop using topical skin products that contain retinol, glycolic acid, alpha-hydroxy acid, or “anti-aging” products at least 2 days before (and after) your fillers are injected.

No Alcohol

Avoid alcohol for 24 hours before your appointment.

POST TREATMENT Post-Care Instructions

Following Your Sculptra Treatment in Zachary, Renaissance Dermatology & Aesthetics Recommends:



We recommend massaging the treatment area as directed by our staff for 5 minutes twice a day for 5 days to evenly distribute the product as well as potentially quicken stimulation of natural collagen formation.

Avoid Strenuous Activity

Avoid physical activity for 24 hours.

Avoid Sun Exposure

Avoid direct sun exposure or excessive heat for 72 hours.

No Alcohol or Excess Salt

Avoid alcohol and excess salt to prevent swelling.

Use a Cold-Compress

Use a cold compress or ice pack if you have swelling.

Sleep Face-Up

Sleep with the treatment area slightly elevated for a day or two.

Future Treatments

Wait at least 2 weeks before having any other skin care or laser treatment.

Frequently Asked Questions

Sculptra is unique from other filler types because instead of the typical hyaluronic acid formula, it uses a poly-L-lactic acid formula that kickstarts your body’s natural collagen production while restoring volume.

Sculptra is an injection, so you will feel a pinch of discomfort as your injector administers the treatment. We can provide topical numbing cream as needed to help minimize any pain.

You may experience some bruising, swelling, and redness at the injection site(s), but you are free to go back to work and your daily routine after your appointment. We will provide you with aftercare instructions.

The most common areas for Sculptra injections are on the face, including the temples, chin, cheeks and jawline on the face. Alternatively, Sculptra can be injected into body areas such as the buttocks for a non-surgical BBL or in the hands to restore volume.

How long a filler last largely depends on how fast your body metabolizes it as it dissolves. Sculptra is one of the most long-lasting fillers; the results can last for more than 2 years.

Renaissance Dermatology

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